Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Sauce Manifesto

I hate how everything advertised lately in fast food commercials seems to have a "Special sauce". Mind you, most commercials don't use that exact phrase, because Micky D's trademarked it years ago. The ads still imply special-ness, but the various sauces are anything but. Chipotle, jalapeno, ranch, bacon, cheddar, mushroom, the list goes on. Then they start with the adjectives and cognates, i.e. tasty honey-mustard peppercorn ranch. That's really an advertised sauce.

Every time I taste one, it turns out to be a lot of mayonnaise mixed with a little ______ (insert ingredient here). It's almost always, with few exceptions, N-A-S-T-Y. On top of that, the kitchen employees seem to have instructions to slather the stuff all over my food.

I can pinpoint the moment my distaste for these sauces started . The steak quesadilla at Taco Bell used to be one of my favorite fast food items ever. I was addicted to the combination of steak, cheese, and green chilis on a toasted tortilla. One day(several years ago), the TV is blaring on about the new and improved sauce on the steak quesadilla. So the next day at lunch, I decide to check it out. The green chilis were gone. They'd been replaced with what was obviously (you guessed it) a lot of mayonnaise mixed with a little of the signature Taco Bell sauce that comes in those little orange packets. It was nasty and they slathered it on. I've been justifiably suspicious of special/new/savory/improved/tasty/creamy/spicy sauces ever since.


Unknown said...

It seems that for every half witted attempt to appease the "health conscious" consumer (grilled, low carb, sugar free...) there is a new mayo sauce, bacon or cheese option for something else. I guess I can appreciate balance.

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