Tuesday, April 29, 2008

But Grandma got a moustache!

I was planning a post praising the traditional Greek gyro. Praise is in order. Man, I lo-o-o-ve a good gyro. You know those science fiction shows where the alien race is judging the planet earth? They're shaking their heads and saying "Yours is a violent and self-destructive civilization. Nuclear holocaust is imminent. Tsk, tsk." I think handing them a good gyro would restore their faith in humanity. It would make a compelling argument; maybe we aren't so bad after all.

I was doing a little research, so my statements wouldn't be all wild conjecture. But, I've decided to do more research and save it for another time. I just wanted to share one interesting tidbit. Some of my favorite burger joints have gyros on the menu too. Why? According to several internet sources, Greek families would immigrate to the U.S and start a restaurant. They'd be selling gyros. It's roast meat on bread, with lettuce, tomato, onion, and a special sauce. Well, it wasn't long before they realized some of the customer base wanted burgers. It's practically the same thing. Why not? And then someone suggested serving french fries with the gyros. That's right, your favorite dumpy little burger joint was doing fusion cuisine decades before Wolfgang Puck. If you have a Greek Grandma, go give her a kiss. If not, go buy a gyro.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Long live the King!"

After months of procrastinating, here it is, my first blog entry for "Fast And Cheap". Today, my wife took the kids to Burger King. That rarely happens. Why? Because the little ankle-biters are often more interested in the toy that comes with the kids' meal than the meal itself. Usually, the toys my kids have been dreaming of are at McDonald's. But, this month, Burger King has "Iron Man" toys. The boy wanted a superhero, not the "American Idol" toys at McD's. Good news, he came home with a silver robot that is seriously one of the coolest looking kids' meal toys I have ever seen.

By the way, my wife and I both realized we'd forgotten how tasty Burger King really is. Like I said, we hadn't been there for a while. I had a whopper Jr. and it was yummy. The meat was flavorful and juicy. Plus, I also harbor a bias towards char-broiled burgers. For me, lettuce and tomato is also a good thing. But because the meat was so good, it was a shame that the employees laid the mayo and ketchup on so thick, along with the pickles and onions. Mental note, next time I'll exercise my right to have it my way. I still give it a solid 4 out of 5 possible polyester-clad fast food minions.