Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Long live the King!"

After months of procrastinating, here it is, my first blog entry for "Fast And Cheap". Today, my wife took the kids to Burger King. That rarely happens. Why? Because the little ankle-biters are often more interested in the toy that comes with the kids' meal than the meal itself. Usually, the toys my kids have been dreaming of are at McDonald's. But, this month, Burger King has "Iron Man" toys. The boy wanted a superhero, not the "American Idol" toys at McD's. Good news, he came home with a silver robot that is seriously one of the coolest looking kids' meal toys I have ever seen.

By the way, my wife and I both realized we'd forgotten how tasty Burger King really is. Like I said, we hadn't been there for a while. I had a whopper Jr. and it was yummy. The meat was flavorful and juicy. Plus, I also harbor a bias towards char-broiled burgers. For me, lettuce and tomato is also a good thing. But because the meat was so good, it was a shame that the employees laid the mayo and ketchup on so thick, along with the pickles and onions. Mental note, next time I'll exercise my right to have it my way. I still give it a solid 4 out of 5 possible polyester-clad fast food minions.


Lois said...

Yeah, those were good. I know, you usually like yours with no mayo, but it was a new guy being trained at the register and I didn't want to confuse him with a bunch of special orders.

"Fast and Cheap"? I thought this was a blog about your ex-girlfriends!!!

Before you met me, of course. Then it would be called "Annoying and Nagging."

The MacMizzles said...

The wopper is so delicious.

I partook a little too often in college and therefore put on the freshman 30. MMMMM so much tastiness.